There are several tools you can use to work with others, although which one you pick may depend on what you hope to achieve. Something as simple as a joint seminar presentation may just involve a couple of emails, a file exchange and a try-out session, but working on a funded project will involve many more steps, more resources, many documents and perhaps people from outside the University.

Remember that there's usually someone who has done something similar, so it's a good idea to ask around. Often your supervisor will know someone, but if not, you can start here. Sometimes you can find a useful contact by looking at previous papers to find someone in a similar field.

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teams download If you do not already have it, you can download it from the UoE downloads site here. 
teams quick start You can obtain a quick start guide for Teams here, along with a brief explanation about Teams. 
teams guide For a more in-depth guide on Teams 
find people Use our researchers profile list to find someone with similar interests 
browse papers Use the ICS Journals site to find papers and authors 
browse projects Use the ICS main website to find related projects 
how to start a chat Use this guide to find out how to use Teams for an online conversation with fellow researchers How to start a chat in Teams
teams-meetings Use this online guide to set up an online meeting or event How to set a meeting in Teams